Thursday, October 18, 2012

Region II Fall Events - Are you in?

We have two exciting events coming up in the next few weeks in Region II:

1. SSA Plane Insane / Region II Championships October 20-21 (12 Confirmed Boats)


Saturday 10/20
0830 to 0930- Registration (payments will accept credit card)
0930- Skipper's meeting
1000- committee boat leaves the dock
1100- First Warning

Sunday 10/21
1000- Committee boat leaves the dock
1100- First warning
1400- No more races will begin


  1. Whit Duncan/ Russell Miller
  2. Macy Nelson/Jesse Falsone
  3. Bryan Richardson/Matt Schoene
  4. Ali Meller/Mike Coe
  5. Drew Buttner/Mark Zagol
  6. Tyler Moore/Geoff
  7. Erika Seamon/Bruce Artman
  8. Mike Curtin/Craig Thompson
  9. Augie Diaz/Fritz Lanzinger
  10. Tom Sitzman/Anthony Burton
  11. Jay and Charles Smith
  12. Doug Watson/ Eric K on Saturday and Gabe on Sunday
  13. Sterg- possible, still trying to work out schedule, would sail with brother
2. Hampton Fall Training Weekend November 3-4 (10 Confirmed Boats)

*Coached training event with video debrief! DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY TO ELEVATE YOUR GAME!


Friday 11/2
1200 to 1600- warm up drills for those interested

Saturday 11/3
1100- briefing at sailing center
1200 to 1600- practice
1700- debrief at sailing center
1900- party at Tyler's house

Sunday 11/4
0900- Briefing
1000 to 1400- practice perhaps finish with a race or 2

Current Scratch List:

  1. Thompson/Curtin
  2. Englert/Huntsman
  3. Duncan/Miller
  4. Nelson/???(SAT) Falsone(SUN)
  5. Richardson/???
  6. Long/Long
  7. Rasmussen/???
  8. Smith/Smith (SAT) Revill (SUN)
  9. Moore/Ewenson
  10. Amthor/Amthor(SAT) James(SUN)

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