Monday, October 29, 2012

New American Section Website


As your newly elected information officer, I have been taking some steps to unify and expand our web presence. To me, this all starts with a simple, functional, and information-rich web page. As of tonight, I have launched the new website at the same familiar URL Please check it out!

Note that this is still a work in progress, but at this point it has all of the information and functionality of the Wiki page, which is no longer accessible. My hope is that you will find it more functional and professional. I am still populating responses as they come in for the "Who, What, When..." promotional piece on the home page. My goal with this is to showcase the best thing the 505 Class has to offer: it's people.

Over the next few months, I will work to incorporate all of the great articles from the old International Site as well as information from around the web into the "Rigging and Project Archive" and "Improve Your 505 Sailing" pages. I want our American Section website to be the one-stop shop for all this type of information. There is a lot of content out there, but I just want to make it easier to find.

We will still utilize the International Site for forums, classifieds, supplier listings and schedule (although I will maintain a Google calendar with all the events from the Int. site). However, we will keep our contact information up-to-date so that perspective 505 sailors can get in touch with the fleet in their area.

I would also like to utilize Facebook to expand our reach with prospective sailors. Please "Like" us on Facebook to subscribe to updates, new Tank Talk posts, regatta results, pictures, video, etc:

I am 100% open to your feedback on the new website; positive or negative. This not my website, but rather OUR website. If there is something that you would like to see that is not currently incorporated, please post in the comments section here!

Thank you for your time.

Craig Thompson
USA 7346

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